Another year is just beginning, and the new seeds have arrived . Check out the varieties and pick up your favorites today. While we try to keep these lists current, we do invite you to call us to assure that they are in stock. We are reordering popular varieties every week, so we shouldn't be out of stock for very long unless the seed houses actually run out of seed!
The charts are organized by seed company and in most cases provide their catalog numbers if you require further information.
Yes, you may, provided that your dog is on a leash, in a carrier, or being held by you while visiting our store. Please be aware that the shopping experience may be upsetting to your pet due to the presence of strange humans, other visiting pets, and our resident cats and Doberman pup. We do ask that you offer your pet an opportunity to relieve itself on one of our grassy areas outside the store before entering.
Sorry, we are not veterinarians, so we cannot give your pet any medications. We prefer that you do not bring a sick animal into the store, since we may have other animals visiting and we do not wish to expose them to any problems your pet is suffering with. We are willing to offer advice and will suggest over-the-counter health remedies where they are likely to offer at least temporary relief to your pet.
No, we do not sell live animals, but we doo have three store cats and one store dog. If you are not comfortable around our pets, please let us know so they can be restrained while you enjoy shopping with us.
No grooming, nail trimming or health services are available here.
We don't sell the traditional landscape trees and shrubs. Our limited space restricts us to more unusual plants such as patio citrus, edible berry plants, and starting this spring, a small selection of uncommon fruit trees.